Dealing with post-covid debt

dealing with debt pressureParliament passes laws to favour the moneylenders, some of whom make big donations to political parties. More importantly they tell politicians what they want done. When you are dealing with debt sometimes you need fairer laws and sometimes you need to report unfair behaviour. If borrowers want to be treated fairly, they can use the power they have to influence the politicians who make the rules, to deal with what the borrowers know from experience about unfair lending.  There is a very effective way to do that, but first read what a wise Athenian said about knowledge:

“Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all “- Pericles (Athenian statesman)

Together FairGO, Votergrams and Voters Network give every Australian all the power and influence they need to start shaping Australian Society and bank loans in particular.

You can speak up too, in the right way, to the right people, at the right time. We have helped Aussies do that for the past 35 years, avoiding media or public attention to focus on quietly persuading the decision-makers in parliament.

That is in addition to GBAC helping borrowers obtain fair treatment from banks.

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