10 ways to save $1m and cut your debt
For most Australians the purchase of a home is their largest early expenditure. It is also usually their largest debt for years to come. An article in today’s Sydney Morning Herald claimed that the cost of houses in regional NSW were $240,000 cheaper than in Sydney. This grossly understates the benefit of young families moving to the regions. Let’s look at a good Aussie Debt Solution to this issue.
Home buyers can do a lot better than Sydney. The internet has transformed our home choices. Homes inland have backyards, fresh air, traffic jam-free streets and neighbours who care. They are readily available in regional NSW for around a million dollars less than in Sydney. I have spent a o of time in the regions and run business Australia-wide online and by phone. Inertia is what keeps people in Sydney. Most have neve even seen the beautiful inland cities. Go for an autumn drive around your state and see what is on offer.
Compare Prices
The median house price in Sydney is $1,650,000.
Compare these prices in beautiful regional cities:
Albury $850,000, Cooma $540,000, Dubbo $600,000, Goulburn $625,000, Griffith $600,000, Orange $700,000, Parkes $450,000, Tamworth $550,000, Wagga $700,000, Yass $720,000.
Loan repayments
A $1million loan at 6% interest costs $60,000 in interest . Repaid over 30 years requires over $30,000 in principal repayments, $90,000 a year. People are working their hearts out in Sydney earning $120,000 pa. They do not have enough time to run a family. The toddler food they buy instead of healthy fruit and vegetables is addicting their children to sugar. Have they time to see what is good or bad for anyone? What if with cheaper regional housing they only needed to earn $30,000 pa. All while they are living in vast open spaces and fresh air. How good would that be??
House prices deliberately forced up
Don’t be fooled into forcing Sydney prices up further and sending yourself broke. Big businesses, banks, property developers and politicians they fund through “political donations,” are working hard to boost their profits by higher prices for smaller homes in capital cities. Developers are destroying our climate in the process of pump-priming our population numbers. Governments are not providing what the people need in the way of homes, schools, hospitals, police, youth and family services.
Take a trip and check it out. Go over the Blue mountains. There is an idyllic world worth living in on the other side. Most who move there would never consider coming back to the overcrowded rat-race of Sydney. Live happily and cheaply, internet connected to Australia and the world. Watch the children flourish.