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Aussie Debt Solutions

Aussie Debt Solutions

The biggest crisis we face in Australia today is with unaffordable debt. We see businesses closing down or put into the hands of receivers. They are the financial vultures of our time. We see homebuyers forced to sell their homes and sometimes lose all the payments and stamp duty they have paid with money they worked so hard to earn.

In order to understand why we need specifically Aussie debt solutions it is important to understand the Aussie debt circumstances that have caused the problem.

Avoid debt like the plague

The best debt solution is to avoid debt like the plague, unless it is for some large project with the prospect of capital gain. To pay interest on a home loan which will provide a roof over your head for life,  is a lot better for most people than paying rent. That provides no long-term benefit at all. So borrowing for  home work well for most people, depending on how much they pay for a home. It took my wife and me 2 years of searching every weekend to find one that was what we wanted and could afford.

Never borrow for consumables like food or clothing and if borrowing for a car make sure it is very affordable and the car is good value

Check out the market then negotiate hard

When it is sensible to borrow, check out the Aussie debt market carefully. Most people borrow at absurdly high interest rates, like on credit cards. The wise people go without until they can afford to pay cash for it or borrow a lot cheaper than on the card.

GBAC Advisory  established an easy “Borrow Better” service that is a lot better than being led to the unsuitable debt slaughter house by a bank paid broker. The broker is going to be given $7,000 or more to deliver borrowers like lambs to the slaughter.

Deal with defaults wisely


Turn the tables with some good advice on how to manage defaults and serious debt issues in a uniquely Aussie way. That delivers the borrower some substantial gains. At GBAC Advisory we seriously tackle the way the moneylending industry abuses customers after deliberately leading them into unaffordable loans. Those interested can email or reach in via the website.

Government in the pockets of the moneylenders

The moneylenders have got our Aussie federal government right in its pocket. The moneylenders had a special Aussie regulation passed to prevent GBAC Advisor  from offering Debt Management Services to  home owners .

The best Aussie debt solution is to avoid the mortgage brokers and instead use the Borrow Better service. It is more like a Borrowers Broker except that it does not accept any commission from any bank. It usually gets the bank to reduce both its charges and interest rates.

Aussie debt solutions are the way to go for Aussie home, business and farm borrowers seeking fair and affordable mortgage loans to suit Aussie situations.

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